The Digital Feast
Free Speech
OUR BEST HOPE FOR CIVIL DISCOURSE ONLINE IS ON ... REDDIT Summary: Had my desire for revenge made a Mengele of me? Worse still, was I trying to pass off my personal revenge fantasy as high-minded and rational, inspired by Google searches I dignified as...
The Year in Review
Biologos Top 20 Blog Posts of the Year Summary: BioLogos invites the church and the world to see the harmony between science and biblical faith as we present an evolutionary understanding of God’s creation. Read more at: Digitally mined from:...
Holiday Hangover
Holiday Hangover: How to bounce back from the food, booze and emotional stres Summary: Whether it’s eating too much, the constant holiday parties, or the emotional overload of being around too many people, here are a few simple tips to avoid these holiday health...
What Are You Reading for Advent?
Advent has been taken over by consumerism Summary: A few years back, I purchased a Star Wars themed Advent calendar due to my tremendous love of the movies and the subculture surrounding it. However, I realized it was very difficult to use this calendar to tell the...
What Are You Reading?
What Are You Reading? Here are some recent books and articles I’ve come across which you may find interesting. New Bible breaks with three-millennium-old plain text tradition Summary: “After over 3,000 years of being presented in plain text, the Bible is getting a...
Take a Rest… from Social Media
It's Time to Unfriend and Unfollow on Social Media Summary: “If you’re the kind of person who continually adds friends and acquaintances and news sites and brands (and so on) to your Twitter and Facebook feeds but never removes anyone, it’s time. Here’s how—and why—to...
Reformation Resources
During the month of October, many churches will be talking about the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation which is traced back to Martin Luther’s nailing of his 95 theses on Wittenberg Castle. For those who would wish to delve further into the history of...
Creativity and Retreats
Forget about work and keep a dream diary: how to think creatively Summary: Ditch the brainstorming sessions and make time for knitting, cycling or just plain idling if you want to be more creative Read more at: Digitally mined from:...
Personality Tests
Uncovering The Secret History Of Myers-Briggs Summary: From Fortune 500 businesses to church leadership seminars, the Myers-Briggs test is used to help people find their “personality type” as well as those of their co-workers. This test is supposed to help find...
FREE Resources for Worship
re:Worship Summary: Praying the Scriptures is an ancient tradition among many different groups of Christians. re:Worship provides prayers of confession and forgiveness based off many different Gospel readings while also having calls to worship and a variety of other...