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Holiday Hangover: How to bounce back from the food, booze and emotional stres

Summary: Whether it’s eating too much, the constant holiday parties, or the emotional overload of being around too many people, here are a few simple tips to avoid these holiday health hazards.

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What is seasonal affective disorder?

Summary: “It’s winter, and it’s cold out. The sky has remained the same shade of muted gray for nearly a month. You’re sluggish as the cold front blows in, the thought of socializing at a holiday party pains you, and you feel as if you’ve exhausted your energy just by getting out of bed. You could blame it on Mercury in retrograde, but chances are you might have seasonal depression.”

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10 quirky Christmas traditions around the world

Summary: If you find the holidays are getting you down, reading this article on strange, quirky Christmas traditions around the world may bring a smile to your face.

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Latin American Christmas Traditions

Summary: Would you like to learn more about the Christmas traditions of another culture? From the ‘Las Posadas’ (Hospitality) tradition centered on the Holy Family to the writing of letters to the Magi or “Wise Men” you might find a tradition to incorporate into your church or family this holiday season.

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The Covenant Renewal Service

Summary: Do you want to end the year once more dedicating yourselves to Christ?  The heart of the service, focused in the Covenant Prayer, requires persons to commit themselves to God. The Covenant Service is most commonly held on New Year’s Eve and is sometimes called a watch night service. However, with New Year’s Eve arriving on a Sunday this year it might be adapted to a morning worship service

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