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Sound Theology by Colleen Butcher


Stephen knew his death was probable. Yet he testified of Jesus. He knew that those who listened hated him, yet he loved them anyway. For Stephen, death was only a transition to eternal life with Jesus. Stephen would be stoned to death, yet he knew more than those people who would stone him. Stephen knew that they had used a stone to seal away the body of Jesus, and that stone had been rolled away. Those stones meant to silence the Gospel, to seal it out of sight only made the Gospel grow. What stones do you face in your life? Have you ever been stuck between a rock and a hard place? Those stone will be rolled away and you will see Jesus. Remember, Stephen did not see Jesus sitting at the right side of God, He saw Jesus standing. A standing ovation for one who would place his trust unto death for Jesus. Those hard places in your life are only a transition and not an end.

“Stone’s Throw Away” by Andrus Blackwood and Company

“Arise My Love” by Newsong

“I Can Only Imagine” by MercyMe


Anointing someone is a very beautiful act. In the time of David, to anoint was to claim healing and good health on them. Anointing was a sign of love. Anointing is an intimate act. It requires touching. It says, “you are special and loved”. When God anoints someone, it is indeed a special act.
But, to anoint the Son of God? Mary dared to touch the feet of The Master. She ministered to Him. She was telling Him he was loved. She was, in her own way saying through you, we all will be anointed with the His grace. Through Christ there is eternal anointing.
“Broken and Spilled out” by Steve Green

“Oh Lord, You’re Beautiful” by Keith Green

Just listen to this song

The Creation

In Beginning God.  These are the first words of the story of our creation. These words point out that God devised it, designed it, performed it, and still maintains it.  This story of the beginning is not over.  We are a part of it!  When God spoke creation into existence, it was only the first note in a symphony that God is still playing. In fact, I would like to believe that He did not just speak us into existence, He sang us into being!  Now we sing to Him!

“Above All” by Michael W Smith

Middle C

I was reading about “Middle C” the other day. It seems that depending on who you ask, the sound of that “note” changes. Unlike God, we try to change everything, yet never really do. You see, when we “change things,” we are really only redefining what already is. We change our hairstyle, yet it’s still us… and in a few days, the hair grows back out, and the “new” is now old. We change where we live, but where ever we move to becomes “home.” We are always trying to change things. Change in itself is not bad. It is really good when God changes things. In reality, He is not changing anything except our hearts. What he is really doing is re-signing our understanding of things as we see them and showing us how He wants us to see them. See, He never changes. No matter how we try to define things, we are just deciding how middle c sounds. What we should be doing is just playing a note and let whatever tone comes out praise Him.

Some videos for you to contemplate:
“He Never Changes” by 4Him

“God Never Changes” by Ana Gabriela


There are many times in life that seem futile. It seems that we are at a loss for what to do, or even the strength to do it. To be honest, I am there now. But the one thing I cling on to, the one thing I know for certain is that He has me. One of my favorite songs is “Blessed Assurance”. The line “Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine” sticks in my head like a bad earworm. Thing is, sometimes, especially in hard times, we need to understand that we are Jesus’s too. He took the responsibility of “us” when he created us. “Blessed assurance, we are His”.

“Blessed Assurance” by Walkers to Heaven

“Jesus Never Fails” by Truth

“A Mighty Fortress” by HeartSong Cedarville University
