Preaching Tips
Be a Praying Church –Preaching Tip for 5 February 2017
Be a praying church! What people in your community often want most and are afraid to ask for are …your presence, your ear, your prayers, your blessing, your healing touch. Be present with the people in your community. Be a healing presence, a listening presence, a blessing. Above all listen….and…
Investigate microphones –preaching tip for 29 January 2017
No matter what size congregation you have, for people who are hard of hearing, getting the message is always a challenge. Make sure to investigate various types of mics. Some people prefer hand helds; others, lapel mics. Others have mics arranged throughout the speaking area. If you are doing an…
A Seed Planted –Preaching Tip for 22 January 2017
One of the most prominent metaphors in scripture is the seed planted in the fertile ground. This metaphor refers to the “seed” of God’s Word (the Torah, or the relationship with God itself, or the focus on God and one’s relationship with God) which is firmly planted within one’s heart,…
Nowhere Land -Preaching Tip for 15 January 2017
Sometimes that time between the end of the Christmas holidays and the beginning of Lent kind of gets lost in the winter doldrums. It’s almost as if when Christmas ends, the joy ends with it. It’s a great time to do something refreshing in your sermon time. Perhaps make this…
Give Your Sermon a Sense of Smell
Frankincense and Myrrh are available in anointing oil or incense form and can be bought easily over the internet or in religious shops. This Epiphany, try adding a sense of smell/scent to your sermon or worship time with the sweet smells of frankincense and myrrh. You may also want to…
Share the Pulpit
As pastors, we often hate to share the pulpit. We know what we want to say, and we’ve practiced it, and rehearsed it. And now it’s time to “give the speech.” But sermons were never meant to be lectures. When Jesus spoke, it was “conversational” –a time of question and…
Where is the joy?
Often, worship results in drudgery of liturgy and molasses of ritual. Where is the joy? The excitement? This season, make sure that your heart is filled with the joy of the Lord, so that people will also join in the celebration! Fill your worship with songs and with ways for…
Metaphors of Marriage, Pregnancy, and Birth –Preaching Tip for 18 December 2016
The metaphors of marriage, pregnancy, and birth that we encounter in the Christmas story is nothing new. These metaphors permeate the Hebrew and Christian scriptures, beginning with Genesis. The covenant itself is described as a marriage covenant, betrothal, or bridal contract. And Jesus himself is referred to as the Bridegroom.…
No Message Like Jesus
Sometimes, especially at the holidays, we try to come up with a “new” message to give people about Christmas and Advent. But never forget, Jesus IS the message. No matter what spin you put on it, what container you present Him in, what new style you try, your message is…
Look at Familiar People in New Ways –Preaching Tip for 4 December 2016
In reading the scriptures, we often “read over” important insights, because those scriptures are so familiar to us –especially those of Christmas and Easter. This season, take a closer look at the people in those scripture stories as people with the same kinds of feelings, motivations, fears, hopes as you…