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Psalm 51 – Create in me a Pure Heart and Renew Me with Your Spirit

This Psalm was written to the Chief Musician.  It was one of a king, fallen into sin, being confronted by the man who he probably respected more than any other man.  Not only was Nathan a Prophet, he was the one who God had commanded to anoint David King over Israel. David was guilty of so much, yet he was still David, the beloved one.  He knew he was immersed in his own wickedness, yet he knew that God was bigger than his sin.

In the Song of “Create in Me A Clean Heart”, the Group Acapella performs a chilling version that harkens to a choir singing the song of David repentence in the middle of an ancient castle. . The song starts out with just one singer asking God to cleanse them: but in due time, one person’s confession and changed life – changes others and calls them to sing a song of repentance.  This begins a cascade of voices called to a relationship with God.