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Meet Dan Payne –your new Sound Theology contributor!

“Peace be with you”! These are the first words Jesus speaks to the disciples gathered in the upper room. The disciples had gathered together for security and to comfort. They were emotionally and physically devastated by the events of the past week.  They wanted to believe the news of the resurrection, but they were so afraid.  

 “Peace be with you”! When Jesus spoke these words, they held a meaning far more than just the common Jewish greeting of Shalom Aleichem שָׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם. They carried the power of the crucified Christ who was resurrected from the dead!  By these words Jesus brought comfort and healing to the souls of the disciples. In his song “He’s Alive” Don Francisco beautifully narrates the mood of the upper room and the appearance of Jesus…

“Peace be with you”! Again, Jesus speaks these words, but this time commissioning the disciples to go share the good news. With these words, He gives them the power to speak the great shalom to the world.  In the song “Come to the Table” by the Sidewalk Prophets, we hear the clarion call to declare “Peace be with you” to the world. .  Jesus invites all of us to be healed and made whole. He calls us to sing with Him…“Peace Be With You”!