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Blessed be God and the Father of all mercy, who continues to pour his benefits upon us! You have elected us, you have called us, you have justified us, sanctified, and glorified us.

You were born for us, and you lived and died for us. You have given us the blessings of this life, and of a better. O Lord! Your blessings hang in clusters, they come trooping upon us! They break forth like mighty waters on every side.

And now Lord, you have fed us with the bread of life. So man did eat Angel’s food. O Lord, bless it. O Lord, make it health and strength unto us, still striving and prospering so long within us, until our obedience reach the measure of your love, who has done for us as much as may be.

Grant this dear Father, for your Son’s sake, our only Saviour, to whom with you, and the Holy Ghost — three Persons but one most glorious, incomprehensible God — be ascribed all honour, and glory, and praise forever. Amen.

–George Herbert, “A Prayer After the Sermon”