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Lord, someone left the cake out in the rain,

And we don’t think that we can take it,

‘Cos it took so long to bake it,

And we might never find the recipe again.


Searching, Lord, in a strange land;

Lead us forward by your hand.


We don’t always like this new place you’ve brought us to,

With its cyberspace and virtual brutality;

We sometimes long for the way things were-

Simple days of vinyl and virginity.


Searching, Lord, in a strange land;

Lead us forward by your hand.


But we’ve made it this far

And we’re not going back!

With the goad of grace and the sharp stick of the Spirit,

You, Lord, have pushed us across the border.


Searching, Lord, in a strange land;

Lead us forward by your hand.


We are pioneers and prospectors,

Dowsers and diviners of your elusive presence;

Convinced by history that our God has not abandoned us,

But is dancing in the wings of the future, waiting for us to catch up.


Searching, Lord, in a strange land;

Lead us forward by your hand.


You have always been a Mover and a Shaker,

Surfing the fringes of time;

We declare ourselves willing to join you-

To be the people of Christ wherever and whenever.


Searching, Lord, in a strange land;

Lead us forward by your hand.


Between remembrance and relevance, Lord,

Help us not to lose our way;

Make us midwives of the coming age,

That the Kingdom might come whole and howling into our world.


Searching, Lord, in a strange land;

Lead us forward by your hand.


God of grace and God of glory,

On your people pour your power;

Grand us wisdom, grant us courage,

For the facing of this hour.


Searching, Lord, in a strange land;

Lead us forward by your hand.

