The Lame Truth
The Lame TruthStory Lectionary18 August 2019 Jacob’s Hip is Injured Wrestling with God (Genesis 32:22-32)Psalm 80: The Son of Man is ComingPsalm 95: Praise and WarningPsalm 146: The Mission of the MessiahDaniel’s Vision of the Sovereignty of the Son of ManEzekiel’s...
The Unclean Palate
The Unclean PalateStory Lectionary11 August 2019The Lord’s Blessings for the Faithful (Deuteronomy 28)The Healing of Naaman the Syrian by Elisha Due to the Witness of a Young Jewish Girl (2 Kings 5)Psalm 41: God the HealerAll People Will be Drawn to the Jews...
Deep Well
Deep WellStory Lectionary4 August 2019The Water That Springs Forth from God (Genesis 2:4-25)Isaac Reopens the Wells His Father Had Dug (Genesis 26)Jacob Builds an Altar that Becomes Jacob’s Well (Genesis 35:7)The Lord Provides Water from a Rock (Exodus 17)Psalm 63:...
The Field House
The Field HouseStory Lectionary28 July 2019God’s Promise to Flourish the House of David (2 Samuel 7 / 1 Chronicles 17)Psalm 84: Psalm of Praise for the Courts of the LordPsalm 18: The Lord is My RockThe Mountain of the Lord is the House of the God of Jacob (Isaiah...