The Neverending Feast
The Neverending Feast Story Lectionary 29 September 2019 The In-Breathing of Adam by the Holy Spirit and God’s Calling Out of Adam and Eve (Genesis 2-3) The Story of Noah and the Raising Up of New Life / God’s Salvific Power (Genesis 5-7) The Story of Joseph...
Against the Grain
Against the GrainStory LectionaryThe Call of Moses (Exodus 4)Psalm 1: The Chaff of SinPsalm 35: Chaff Before the WindPsalm 91: God’s ProtectionPsalm 140: God’s ProtectionPsalm 121: God’s ProtectionThe Call of Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1)Isaiah’s Dream (6)Isaiah’s Warning to...
VendettaStory Lectionary15 September 2019The Egyptians Do Not Heed Moses’ and Aaron’s Miracles (Exodus 7-11)The Story of David, Goliath and Saul’s Vendetta (1 Samuel 16-19)The Story of Ahaziah’s Bid to Baalzebub in Samaria (2 Kings 1)Psalm 1: Do Not Follow the Wicked...
The Olfactory Sense of Prayer
The Olfactory Sense of PrayerStory Lectionary8 September 2019The Story of Noah, the Fragrance of His Faith and God’s Promise to Restore the Earth (Genesis 8)Spices Used in Anointing Oils and Incense / God’s Holy Fragrance (Exodus 30)The Anointing of Aaron by Moses...