Dark Waters
Dark WatersStory Lectionary10 November 2019The Story of Creation (Genesis 1)The Story of Noah (Genesis 7-9)The Story of the Exodus Through the Sea (Exodus 14)The Song of Moses and Miriam (Exodus 15)Psalm 77, 95: The Lord Rescues Us From the DeepPsalm 66: The Lord’s...
Trust Your Intuition
Trust Your Intuition Story Lectionary3 November 2019The Honoring of All SaintsThe Raising Up of a New Prophet Like Moses (Deuteronomy 18:15-22)Psalm 2: The Son of GodPsalm 22: The Song of Deliverance and God’s VictoryPsalm 110: The Priest of MelchizedekGod Knows the...
Feasting on Leviathan
Feasting on LeviathanStory Lectionary27 October 2019God’s Feeding of Manna and Quail in the Wilderness Through Moses (Exodus 16)God’s Promise of Abundance and the Call for Faithfulness (Deuteronomy 8)Elisha’s Feeding of the Multitude of People with Bread from First...
The Pit of the Soul
The Pit of the SoulStory Lectionary20 October 2019The Story of Cain’s Murder of Abel (Genesis 4)David Kills Bathsheba’s Husband and is Confronted by Nathan (2 Samuel 11 and 12)Joseph’s Brothers Throw Him into a Pit for Dead and Later Regret Their Deed (Genesis...