The Flock Paradox
The Flock ParadoxStory Lectionary22 December 2019The Fourth Sunday of the Advent of Our LordThe Story of Cain and Abel (Genesis 4)The Story of Abraham and Isaac (Genesis 22)Jacob is Named Israel and Rachel is Buried in Bethlehem Ephrath (Genesis 35)David, the Young...
Dream Weaver
Dream Weaver Story Lectionary 15 December 2019 Third Sunday in the Advent of Our Lord Joseph’s Dreams (Genesis 37) Daniel’s Dreams (Daniel 2 and 7) The Lord’s Prophecy According to Joel (2) Psalm 2: God’s Praise to His Anointed Psalm 24: The Lord’s Blessing Psalm 80:...
A Supernatural Leap
A Supernatural Leap Story Sermon 8 December 2019 Adam is Hiding (Genesis 3) Abraham and Isaac (Genesis 22) Moses and the Burning Bush (Exodus 3) Songs of Moses and Miriam (Exodus 15) Prayer Song (Habakkuk 3) The Song of Deborah (Judges 5) Hannah’s Song (1 Samuel...
The Art of Keeping Quiet
The Art of Keeping QuietStory Lectionary1 December 2019First Week of the Advent of Our Lord’s BirthThe Lord Gives Moses the Words to Speak (Exodus 4)King David Divides the Priests into Sects, Including the Eighth –Abijah, Descendants of Aaron (1 Chronicles 24)The...