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Wind and Wheat

Who has seen the fields, white with flowers, or ripe with grain? The bounty of the Lord’screation is beautiful beyond words. The wheat moves at the touch of His hand.“The Wind And The Wheat” – Phil KeaggyMay He move in our lives as he moves the...


Healing happens.It may take different forms. It may happen instantly or take years. No matter the way it occurs,it happens. We have been healed, we are healed, we will be healed. Healing is a paradox. Itexists in the eternal plan of ultimate healing. It a glimpse into...

One Body

This last week, I spent time with a group that I have been a part of for 16 years.  This group is made up of many Christian tribes.  We worship in different ways.  We pray differently.  Some raise their hands, some speak in tongues.  There are Baptist, Catholic,...


Stephen knew his death was probable. Yet he testified of Jesus. He knew that those who listened hated him, yet he loved them anyway. For Stephen, death was only a transition to eternal life with Jesus. Stephen would be stoned to death, yet he knew more than those...


Anointing someone is a very beautiful act. In the time of David, to anoint was to claim healing and good health on them. Anointing was a sign of love. Anointing is an intimate act. It requires touching. It says, “you are special and loved”. When God anoints someone,...

The Creation

In Beginning God.  These are the first words of the story of our creation. These words point out that God devised it, designed it, performed it, and still maintains it.  This story of the beginning is not over.  We are a part of it!  When God spoke creation into...