Kneeling, Standing, and Sitting Before Our Idols –GUEST SERMON by Rev Thomas Haugh
“Standing, Kneeling, and Sitting Before Our Idols” GUEST SERMON by Rev. Thomas Haugh Exodus 20:1-20 Lectionary 8 October 2017 Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20 Psalm 19 Philippians 3:4b-14 Matthew 21:33-46 Text to Life Who would have thought...The Parable of the Vlogger
The Parable of the Vlogger –Guest Sermon by Rev Derek White “Jesus is history’s Master Storyteller. He taught with story, he played with story, he healed with story, he loved with story. He showed us the truth of God’s love in the stories of the Hebrew people and in...Vital Signs, a Good Friday Sermon
Good Friday 14 April 2017 Sermon by Rev. Jim Mueller John 19 The most famous sign in America might be the 350 foot HOLLYWOOD sign in Los Angeles. The land was originally a farm when H.H. Wilcox purchased it in 1886. She christened her farm “Holywood” because she was...A Handful of Feet, a Maundy Thursday Sermon
A Handful of Feet 13 April 2017 Sermon by Rev. Meghan L. Good John 13:1-38 The evening meal is in full swing. The cooling air buzzes with cross-conversations and laughter. Thaddeus calls for more wine. Spirits are high. Their Lord and Teacher has been welcomed to...