“The Feet that Bring Good News”, Maundy Thursday Guest Sermon by Mindy Smith
by Rev. Mindy Smith I was 32 years old and found myself sitting in a podiatrist’s waiting room. I remember how uncomfortable I felt sitting there when I realized the two elderly women next to me were both in wheelchairs and knew the nurses by name. I was too...
“The Cry of the Cross”, Good Friday Guest Service and Homilies by Gregg Borror
“Good Friday Homilies and Service” by Guest Preacher Rev Dr. Gregg Borror Hymn- When I Survey the Wondrous Cross Tears in the Garden- Luke 22:39-46 Narrator- Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him. On reaching the...
Keeping Christ in Christians
Keep Christ in Christmas. But … what if Christ doesn’t want to be kept in Christmas? To access this post, you must purchase Standard Membership, Standard Membership - Yearly, Video Membership, Video Membership - Yearly, Coaching Membership, Coaching Membership -...