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Advent already! –preaching tip for 11-29-15

Wow!  Advent comes fast.  And with it, all of the trappings of commercial Christmas!  Although people seem busier this season, I daresay, they need more sermons not less to remind them of what’s truly important in the advent time leading up to Christmas. In our...

Holiday Blues – preaching tip for 11-22-15

Preachers typically get discouraged when they have to do a unique sermon for the same holidays every single year.  What is there left to say? Thanksgiving is one of those holidays when you can give it a little twist.  Want a sermon starter?  Try looking at any one of...

Connections Are Important –Preaching Tip for 11-15-15

Connections are all important.  “You can’t lead someone on a journey of faith to meet Jesus if you don’t first take their hand,” says comedienne Anita Renfroe. If you want people to listen to you, you need to first connect with them, so they trust you enough to take...

Just Pray –Preaching Tip for 8 November 2015

Always pray. Before your sermon, always pray that the voice of God might be heard.  Prayer not only puts your sermon into the hands of God, and allows God to use it, change it, empower it, but prayer also puts you into a place of humility. Prayer instills confidence. ...

Use a Mic –Preaching Tip for November 1, 2015

There’s nothing sadder than a great preacher whom no one can hear.  Wherever you are preaching, you’ll always be helped to have a mic.  Even if you have a booming voice, with a mic, you can use more emotion, more inflection in your voice, you can even drop to...