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The “R” Word –preaching tip for 22 May 2016

Calling for Repentance can sound like an uncomfortable and dangerous thing to do in our churches today.  But without repentance, there can be no grace.  Without returning to Jesus, we cannot incarnate Jesus for the world.  In a world that beckons us everywhere else...

GOOD! –Preaching tip for 8 May 2016

Be a GOOD Church! A good (GOOD) church is a “get out of doors” church!  Does your sermon help people “go out” to proclaim the name of Jesus to the world?  The end of your sermon needs to challenge people, nudge them, encourage them to be the message Jesus...

Act it out! –preaching tip for 1 May 2016

Help people embody your sermon by inviting them to act it out!  Use a blindfold to lead them out.  Or as our fellow contributor David McDonald did one Sunday to demonstrate Jesus’ burial, wrap them up!  You can have them up and moving about the space or participating...

Snap that Photo! –Preaching Tip for 24 April 2016

Snap that photo! Today we live in an age of electronic media. People share what is most meaningful to them.  Although you don’t want constant “snapping” in the midst of your holy times, still, using cameras in the midst of worship at times can portray the beauty and...

“What did you say?” –preaching tip for 17 April 2016

“What did you say?”  “I couldn’t hear a word the preacher said!” Those are common complaints among elderly in the church.  Even if you have a voice that carries….even if you have a great phenomenal speaking voice, it’s a good idea to use a mic. It doesn’t matter if...