Be careful not to impose your 21st century ideas upon the 1st century scriptures. While you want to “re-frame” the scriptures so people can understand the meanings and metaphors in today’s world, you can’t place meanings over the original to create meanings that...
Stories with good, solid metaphors always make a sermon better, stickier, and dimensional. However, if your story, whether it contains a joke, or great image, or just a wonderful lesson, doesn’t connect to scripture, well, it just isn’t worth telling! Make sure your...
When you preach, whether you use a lapel mic or a hand mic, or some other kind of sound assistance, make sure to test it before you begin worship. The worst thing to happen to disrupt worship is a sound problem, particularly a screeching one. But if for some...
Some metaphors don’t need words at all. Don’t be afraid to use hand signals, movements, or signals in order to implant meaning into the stories of scripture. When people use their own bodies, hands, fingers to make movements that signify certain meanings, those...
When you wrap your sermon around a metaphor, your sermon will be fortified. It’s like putting the meat inside of your sandwich. Metaphors are the beef of the Hebrew scripture stories. Or shall we say the Lamb. In any Hebrew scripture story, you will find multiple...
Passion is all important in sermon delivery. Without passion for Jesus, the sermon becomes just another speech. Be open to the movement of the Holy Spirit, get excited about the scriptures, be awake yourself in the midst of your congregation, and they will awaken to...