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Metaphors of Love –Preaching Tip for 18 February 2018

The scriptures are filled with metaphors describing God’s unconditional and awesome love for us. One of the most prominent metaphors is the metaphor of the Bridegroom. Or the Bridegroom Son of the Father. The “wedding” of the Lamb or Bridegroom is always accompanied...

Preparing for Lent with the Ultimate Metaphor –Ashes

The metaphor of ashes is deeply steeped in Christian tradition. The imposition of ashes begins the “fasting” of Lent. Yet, Jesus was not known as a “faster” but a “feaster.” For when the Bridegroom is here, the Feast is near. Even people within our communities need...

Use Your Windows

Is your church an original building with stained glass?  Don’t forget that many of our Christian metaphors are forever engraved in the art of our stained glass windows. Help people identify those images and metaphors with scripture. Help people connect them in their...

Be Curious –Preaching Tip for 28 January 2018

Be curious.  It sounds simple. But much of what it means to do image exegesis relies upon an avid curiosity, the willingness to chase bunnies into strange and unfamiliar places, and to open metaphors into all of their layers and colors until they reveal the hiddenness...