Tapping Feet, Bobbing Heads, Heaving Shoulders
Tapping Feet, Bobbing Heads, Heaving ShouldersLectionary29 September 201916th Sunday After PentecostJeremiah 32:1-3a, 6-15Psalm 1461 Timothy 6:6-19Luke 16:19-31Text to LifeThe Pauline letters of First Timothy, Second Timothy, and Titus are known among biblical...
Evermore Lectionary 22 September 2019 15th Sunday After Pentecost Jeremiah 8:18-9:1 Psalm 113 1 Timothy 2:1-7 Luke 16:1-13 Text to Life Okay, this is just wrong. Wrong and weird. There are now “Botox” ads online specifically geared towards women, and men, in their...
Watch Your Tone
Watch Your ToneLectionary15 September 201914th Sunday After PentecostJeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28Psalm 141 Timothy 1:12-17Luke 15:1-10Text to LifeIf you’ve ever played a musical instrument or sang in a choir, you are probably familiar with a “tuning fork.” The pitch...
A Messiah and a Metaphor
A Messiah and a MetaphorLectionary8 September 201913th Sunday After PentecostJeremiah 18:1-11Psalm 139: 1-6, 13-18Philemon 1:1-21Luke 14:25-33 Text to Life The other day the phone suddenly gave off a terrible alarm bell, one of those “in the event of an emergency”...