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Singing Your Story

People need stories; they need to be part of an ancient mythos that embraces the future. We all need to know our story. Since I found out I was adopted as an infant two years ago, I needed to find out my birth story and the stories of my birth family. I already had a...
Sweet Salvation

Sweet Salvation

Sweet SalvationStory Lectionary14 July 2019The Creation Story –the Third Day (Genesis 1)Moses First Miracle Turns Water to Blood (Exodus 7:14-21)Honor the Lord with First Fruits (Proverbs 3:9-10)Psalm 104: The Lord Gives WaterThe Lord Has Made Proclamation (Isaiah...
The Samaritan Transgressor

The Samaritan Transgressor

The Samaritan TransgressorLectionary14 July 20195th Sunday After PentecostAmos 7:7-17Psalm 82Colossians 1:1-14Luke 10:25-37Text to LifeIn the aftermath of all the holiday hoopla of the Fourth of July, it is good to remember what kind of country we are celebrating, or...

Pastor’s Prayer for 14 July 2019

Lord, set our hearts on fire and let us live for you. Use our lives as kindling for the work you need to do. Use this holy fire to prepare a holy feast. Serve us as a blessing to the little and the least. Prayer for Pentecost, Lori Wagner