When you have baptisms, make sure all in worship take part in some way. You can include the metaphors in your message, or you can use the metaphor of water visually. Or you can have the children witness the event. Or you can use songs that reflect that this is…...
Behold, Lord,An empty vessel that needs to be filled.My Lord, fill it.I am weak in faith;Strengthen thou me.I am cold in love;Warm me and make me ferventThat my love may go out to my neighbour.I do not have a strong and firm faith;At times I doubt and am unable to...
Rings of Fire by Leonard Sweet –Review by Vern Hyndman One of the amazing benefits to studying with Dr. Leonard Sweet is that on occasion Len will invite participation in his books. Here’s probably no one more careful to footnote the contribution of others, and...
God Will Take Care of YouLectionary28 July 20197th Sunday After PentecostHosea 1:2-10Psalm 85Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19)Luke 11:1-13Text to LifeApparently, it will be on the market “soon.” Pampers brand disposable diapers just announced that a new “high tech” version of...
The Field HouseStory Lectionary28 July 2019God’s Promise to Flourish the House of David (2 Samuel 7 / 1 Chronicles 17)Psalm 84: Psalm of Praise for the Courts of the LordPsalm 18: The Lord is My RockThe Mountain of the Lord is the House of the God of Jacob (Isaiah...