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Metaphors are Not Literal Nor Ethical Principles

Metaphors are prisms that point to truths or reveal depths of meaning. They are not ethical standards or principles in themselves. This is important when looking at scripture. Metaphors such as leprosy use a terrible skin condition that eats away flesh to describe the...

Pastor’s Prayer for 8 July 2018

Grant, Almighty God, that as we set up against thee so many obstacles through the depravity of our flesh and natural disposition, that we seem as it were to be designedly striving to close up the door against thy goodness and paternal favour, O grant, that our hearts...


Paterson A Movie Review –Review by Teri Hyrkas I love summer, but it does get wild and crazy at times. Is your psyche suffering sunstroke from summer activities? Let me suggest a remedy: the movie Paterson. Written and directed by Jim Jarmusch, this singularly...

Musical Terror –Russian I

Soccer and Russia. These two things would not usually go together. But this year, Russia is hosting the World Cup. Russia is a powerhouse of classical music composers, so while the footballers play, let’s surround ourselves with some of the best music that reflects...