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Preaching Tips

Bitter Sweet –Preaching Tip for March 2019

Lent is a bitter sweet time. Bitter because we remember the sorrow of the cross. Sweet, because we know the joy of the resurrection. Choose props and visuals that help people feel both of these feelings during Lent. This creates a unique and memorable experience of Jesus’ sacrifice and victory.

Preach Faith –Preaching Tip for 17 March 2019

In a time of turmoil for the UMC, it’s time to preach faith. Preach Jesus. Bottom line. Jesus saves. We don’t. Sometimes, we need to get out of the way and let the Holy Spirit move. If we truly believe that Jesus is alive and powerful in the world, then…

Preach Jesus! –Preaching Tip for 10 March 2019

Today, some preachers preach everything but Jesus and His saving grace. If there is anything to say today about what is needed in preaching, it is more Jesus. More scripture. More repentance. More grace.

Participation –Preaching Tip for 3 March 2019

Often, we are used to participation meaning “response” or call and response. Or at best, answering questions. But true participation involves every member –during every part of worship including the sermon. Find ways to include people…. readings, expressions of faith, witnesses, meaning, singing, praising. The more people participate, the more…

Mimicry –Preaching Tip for 24 February 2019

One way of teaching in a sermon and bringing the story to life is to bring the story to life! Literally! Consider doing a “living last supper” or a “living holy conception” or a living fishing story. Act one scene in which live people pose in costume either as famous…

Exegesis of Images –Preaching Tip for 17 February 2019

When you are setting out to write a sermon using metaphors, you need first to do an image exegesis. That is, you don’t do a traditional exegesis, but you first find the metaphors, then dig deeply into their meaning, then connect them to other metaphors in scripture, and then look…

Metaphors of Sound –Preaching Tip for 3 February 2019

Sound can create visuals for people, as well as evoke and provoke experience and emotion. You can employ sound within your sermons in ways that help people experience and visualize the stories of scripture. Think about how you might do that, whether in acting out the story, or using sound…

Using Nonverbal Signs in Preaching

Not all preaching needs to be verbal. Use hand gestures, motions, signs, even music in your sermons. Non verbal signs can also encourage participation. When a congregation all come together under one metaphor, the result can be unification and empowerment in the Spirit. Experiment this week with non verbal signs. …

Scriptural Preaching –Preaching Tip for 27 January 2019

Powerful preaching does not come from you, but from the Holy Spirit. The more you incorporate scripture into your messages, the more you allow the Holy Spirit to move and relate to people. You are the mouthpiece, but Jesus is the Message. Don’t underestimate the amazing power of scripture.

Experiencing Jesus –Preaching Tip for 20 January 2019

As a preacher you are a facilitator, a conduit. You are not the main attraction! Sometimes, preaching might seem as if it were the “mainstay” of the service, that the message, or even more so “you” need to live up to a certain level of excellence. But the only “main…
