“Mysticism keeps men sane. As long as you have mystery you have health; when you destroy mystery you create morbidity. The ordinary man has always been sane because the ordinary man has always been a mystic.”  GK Chesterton, Orthodoxy


Penn & Teller Reveal Secrets Never Lose the Magic

Summary: Noted magicians and atheists Penn & Teller “delight in experiencing the sense of wonder that comes as a result of simply not knowing all the answers.” It seems even the most jaded still enjoy a sense of mystery.


Data Mined from: www.christandpopculture.com


I Ain’t Afraid of No Truth

Summary: Writer Kevin Cummings uses this summer’s Ghostbuster reboot to ask some very difficult questions. As he says, Fear keeps me from speaking and from being myself. Words written by Thomas Merton (an American Catholic writer) remind me to be bold; he says, “How can I be sincere if I am constantly changing my mind to conform with the shadow of what others expect of me?


Data Mined from: www.geekdomhouse.com


Moana review: after 80 years of experiments, Disney has made the perfect Disney movie

Summary: Tasha Robinson says, “The Disney-heroine formula isn’t just a standard feel-good underdog story, it’s specifically a story about how determination and good intentions count for more than experience and age. That narrative is particularly friendly to younger viewers, who get to see their fantasies of heroism play out on-screen. But it’s a satisfyingly idealistic stance for older watchers, too.


Data Mined from: www.theverge.com


3 Alternatives to Elf on the Shelf to Inspire Kindness

Summary: Caitlin Fitzpatrick Curley puts it best when she says, “With a little creativity and help from the above, you can change the focus from naughty behavior to kind acts.” 


Data Mined from: www.geekdad.com


Iconography classes draw non-Orthodox in search of spiritual images

Summary: Theodoros Papadopoulos, who traveled from Greece to teach the class, recounted in the first day’s lesson the history and meaning of iconography.

The Byzantine Orthodox iconography is not just an ‘art,’ it’s a sacred art,” he said. “It is not ‘painting,’ it’s theology. It is not ‘artistic expression,’ it is expectation of salvation.


Data Mined from: www.religionnews.com 


Doctor Strange Proves Learning Magic Isn’t Strange at All


Stephen Strange: How do I get from here to there?”

The Ancient One: How did you become a doctor?

Stephen Strange: Study and practice—many years of it.”


Data mined from: www.wired.com


Taking a Compliment Like a Pro (And Being Better For It)

Summary: An excerpt for the article: “There are times when others see the good things about us that we can’t. But how do you know when to listen? It’s super simple to assume people are just saying nice things because they are trying to be polite. Some people might be. The tricky part is that this requires trust and faith that certain people are going to be honest, yet supportive…


Data mined from: www.geekandsundry.com