Dear Father in Heaven,
May Your Name be always revered as holy!
May You Reign Victoriously on Earth and may Your Logos be seared upon Every Heart, even as Your signature adorns the Heavens and All You’ve Created!
We ask that you feed us each and every day with the true substance of your love and compassion, the sustenance we need to keep you first in our lives.
Forgive us our missteps, the times when we hold you at a distance, the times we mess things up,
in the same measure that we have forgiven others who have mis-stepped, distanced, messed everything up in their lives and with you.
Help us resist the temptation to follow the wrong leaders, go in wrong directions, do things we know we shouldn’t, stray from you.
And when we slip and do these things, please rescue us from ourselves and everything that pulls us away from You, your holiness, and wholeness. Bring us back into your loving arms and back on the straight and narrow path.
Because we know you can.
Because, You and only You have the power to keep us safe, to keep us straight and narrow, to hold us steady, to keep us close
always and forever,
Your Disciple