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Theme or Metaphor? –Preaching Tip for 2 June 2019

What is the difference between a theme and a metaphor? A theme might be something like “wearing a cloak of shame.” But the metaphor is the cloak. A metaphor is a noun and a tangible thing that is used to “point” to something else beyond it that is indescribable...

Joy –Preaching Tip for 5 May 2019

Worship should begin and end with joy….And the message, even if on a serious note, should end with a joyous tone, for we are resurrection people. Remember to bring your message to a close, especially in the season of joy, with a reminder of the joy of Christ.  To...

Tatoos and Jewelry –Preaching Tip for 28 April 2019

Use your congregation as much as possible in your sermon. For example, you could ask how many have tattoos? Show people their tattoos and tell what they mean. Or perhaps, you might have people show a piece of jewelry that reminds them of a personal witness. What they...