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A Seed Planted –Preaching Tip for 22 January 2017

One of the most prominent metaphors in scripture is the seed planted in the fertile ground.  This metaphor refers to the “seed” of God’s Word (the Torah, or the relationship with God itself, or the focus on God and one’s relationship with God) which is firmly planted...

Nowhere Land -Preaching Tip for 15 January 2017

Sometimes that time between the end of the Christmas holidays and the beginning of Lent kind of gets lost in the winter doldrums. It’s almost as if when Christmas ends, the joy ends with it. It’s a great time to do something refreshing in your sermon time. Perhaps...

Give Your Sermon a Sense of Smell

Frankincense and Myrrh are available in anointing oil or incense form and can be bought easily over the internet or in religious shops. This Epiphany, try adding a sense of smell/scent to your sermon or worship time with the sweet smells of frankincense and myrrh. You...

Share the Pulpit

As pastors, we often hate to share the pulpit.  We know what we want to say, and we’ve practiced it, and rehearsed it.  And now it’s time to “give the speech.” But sermons were never meant to be lectures.  When Jesus spoke, it was “conversational”  –a time of question...