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Pentecost Metaphors –Preaching Tip for 20 May 2018

Naturally, everyone loves the metaphors of breath and wind for Pentecost. You can play with these metaphors in worship in interesting and creative ways. With prayer, with sound, with instruments, with movements. This may be a great time to try something new such as...

Mountaintop Metaphors –Preaching Tip for 5 May 2018

The metaphor of mountain typically symbolizes a place where one meets God. The mountaintop lies above or within the clouds, a place where reason and everyday “sight” don’t apply. Instead, the mountaintop is bathed in mystery, clouds, intensity of light, and a view of...

Primal Metaphors –Preaching Tip for 29 April 2018

The metaphor of Light is a primal metaphor. It comes from the very genesis of the scriptures and appears everywhere in scripture in a multitude of forms. It is the most primal metaphor (in addition to voice) used to describe the revealed presence of God, the creative...