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Look for the Twist –Preaching Tip for 12 August 2018

Jesus uses metaphors as a way of reeling people in only to surprise them with a different meaning or outcome than they expected. If you see Jesus using a metaphor, look for the twist! To access this post, you must purchase Standard Membership, Standard Membership -...

Gift from the Sea –Preaching Tip for 5 August 2018

Summer seems the perfect time to call up a favorite book of metaphors –Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. The book uses metaphors of shells to describe life, relationships, and the issues the author is dealing with at the time. This in a sense is what we want...

Reading with Vision –Preaching Tip for 22 July 2018

When we read scripture, we need to read visually in order not to miss some of the intricacies of the metaphorical landscape. What would a moving picture of the story look like? What do you see during that “video” stream that you missed in two dimensionality? Remember,...

Metaphors are Not Literal Nor Ethical Principles

Metaphors are prisms that point to truths or reveal depths of meaning. They are not ethical standards or principles in themselves. This is important when looking at scripture. Metaphors such as leprosy use a terrible skin condition that eats away flesh to describe the...