12 Gifts of Christmas
12 Gifts of Christmas Lectionary 22 December 2019 Fourth Sunday of Advent Matthew 1:18-25 Text to Life Okay, its December 22nd. How stressed out are you? Do you still have a closet full of stuff you keep meaning to wrap but somehow haven’t… To...
Kiss and Tell
Kiss and Tell Lectionary 15 December 2019 Third Sunday of Advent Matthew 11:2-11 Text to Life This time of year, car dealerships offer big holiday sales to clear out inventories. They are trying to make room for next year’s new “improved” versions of...
The Last Fork
The Last Fork* Lectionary8 December 2019Second Sunday of Advent Romans 15:4-13 We get the season of “Advent” so wrong. First of all we think the moment Thanksgiving is over it is time to start singing Christmas carols and celebrating the birth of the Christ child....
The First Go’el
The First Go’el Lectionary01 December 2019First Sunday in Advent Isaiah 2: 1-5 If you survived “Black Friday,” you have now made it to the eve of “Cyber Monday.” This is the day that starts at midnight and signifies huge online discounts. Cyber Monday has become the...