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Ground Zero

Ground Zero

Ground ZeroLectionary21 April 2019Easter SundayActs 10:34-43Psalm 118:1-2, 14-241 Corinthians 15:19-26John 20:1-18 or Luke 24:1-12Text to LifeEaster Sunday is the day when everything we think we know turns upside down. Tragedy becomes triumph. Sacrifice becomes...
Lamb Parade

Lamb Parade

Lamb ParadeStory Lectionary14 April 2019The Day of Palms / The Procession of the LambsThe Crushing of the Serpent’s Head and the Striking of the Heel of Man (Genesis 3)The Census of Israel (Numbers 1)A Woman Crushes the Head of Abimelech Saving the People (Judges...

Add Excitement –Preaching Tip for 14 April 2019

When you are excited about the gospel message, about Jesus’ resurrection hope, about praise, your people will be excited too! In order to get people feeling the joy of the resurrection, the joy of Palm Sunday, you need to get them excited about Jesus’ gift of life....

Pastor’s Prayer for 14 April 2019

Waken our hearts, O Lord, our God;make them ever watchful to serve You and Your purposes.Trouble us with the smallness of our vision and work.Trouble us with the greatness of Your command to make disciples of all nations.Trouble us with Your great love for sinners and...
The Home Stretch

The Home Stretch

The Home StretchLectionary14 April 2019Palm Sunday / Passion SundayLuke 19:28-40Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29Isaiah 50:4-9aPsalm 31:9-16Philippians 2:5-11Luke 22:14-23:56 or Luke 23:1-49Text to LifeWho doesn’t like a party??!! We all love “Palm Sunday” because of the parade of...