The scriptures are filled with signs. Many of them have underlying metaphors that will help you to illuminate them. Try making art of biblical signs and display them. Or use art or stained glass that you already have and point out the signs and how they point to...
O my God! I ask thee for myself and for those whom I hold dear, the grace to fulfill perfectly Thy Holy Will, to accept for love of Thee the joys and sorrows of this passing life, so that we may one day be united together in Heaven for all Eternity. Amen. –St....
20th Sunday After PentecostGod is a God of restoration. He restores my soul for His namesake. He is in thebusiness of making all things new. We were a broken-down old house, but we are now amillion-dollar restoration. Jesus came to restore us back to a relationship...
Feasting on LeviathanStory Lectionary27 October 2019God’s Feeding of Manna and Quail in the Wilderness Through Moses (Exodus 16)God’s Promise of Abundance and the Call for Faithfulness (Deuteronomy 8)Elisha’s Feeding of the Multitude of People with Bread from First...
Tell the old stories of All Hallows Eve to re-sanctify this holiday, which originally had a unique Christian flavor. Help people understand the power of repentance and prayer in order to prepare for All Saints Day. All Hallows Eve can be a powerful reminder of why we...