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Take In The Stranger

While Henry Ford was on vacation in Dublin, Ireland, three priests asked him to make contributions to their new orphanage. Ford was receptive and wrote a check for 2000 pounds. The next day the headline in the small town newspaper announced that Ford had given 20,000...

“Does Life Make Any Sense?”

“Does My Life Make Any Sense” I am haunted by a newspaper story. It told of a young secretary who, one day during her lunch hour, climbed out on the edge of the building in which she was working and announced her intentions to jump. Life, at least hers, had… To...

“You’re Sick!”

A man complained about his wife who he believed had never changed the toilet tissue roll since they had been married. He got so mad that he started writing the date and time on every cardboard cylinder he changed. One day he had had enough and in his frustration...

Reset Clock on 01 November 2015

Time Resets on Sunday 01 November 2015. Want a creative idea for doing this as a community? A Baptist Church in Abilene, Texas handles the spring-forward, fall-back time change problem in a way that doesn’t inconvenience non-church attenders. This church doesn’t...

United but NOT Uniform

“From the outside, church congregations can look like remarkably contentious places, full of hypocrites who talk about love while fighting each other tooth and nail. This is the reason many people give for avoiding them. On the inside, however, it is a different...