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May the God who called our father Abraham to journey into the unknown

and guarded him and blessed him

protect us too and bless our journey.

May his confidence support us as we set out.

May his spirit be with us on the way.

May he lead us back home in peace.

Those we love, we commend to his care.

He is with them. We shall not fear.

As for us, may his presence be our companion so that blessings may come to us and everybody

we meet. Blessed are you God Almighty

whose presence travels with his people.

     —ancient Jewish prayer


God, who called our Father Abraham to journey

into the unknown,

Who led him, protected him, and loved him, be

      known to us on our journey through life.

May our eyes see you in all whom me meet.

May we learn to laugh at your presence:

To rejoice in you and your faithfulness to us

For as you blessed Abraham  we are blessed by you.

You are our Father, we are your children,

With you we are on our way to the Promised Land.

       —David Adam