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Everyone goes through hard times. It seems that when we are in the deepest valleys, that we are alone. We are not. Psalm 23 is very familiar to so many, yet sometimes we read it so robotically that we miss what is being said. The verse is read at so many funerals, yet sadly is read as if it were obligatory. Being in a valley of despair and yet knowing that God is there is where faith meets circumstances. When we are at rock bottom, when we cannot raise ourselves up, He is still with us. When we can not hold on, He holds on to us. Many have heard the phrase “God will never give you more than you can handle.” Well yes, yes, He can, and does. Not to overload us, but for us to load onto Him all our cares and concerns. In the song “Always Here with Me,” Tony Melendez brings the truth of the Psalm to life. It reminds us that it is God who leads us and lifts us up. It is God who protects us and leads us through the Valley of death.