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Deep and Wide

Deep and Wide

Deep and Wide Lectionary 20 January 2019 2nd Sunday After Epiphany Isaiah 62:1-5 Psalm 36:5-10 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 John 2:1-11 Text to Life There is a new “app” you can now download that is called “Calm.” Yep. You heard that right. An “app” called “Calm.” They say...
Hiding in Plain Sight

Hiding in Plain Sight

Hiding in Plain Sight Story Lectionary 20 January 2019 Moses’ Mother Hides Him and Moses Later Hides in Midian (Exodus 2) Jonathan Helps David Flee from Ramah and Hide from Saul (1 Samuel 20) The Lord Bids that Elijah Hide in the Kerith Ravine (1 Kings 17) Jehosheba...

Experiencing Jesus –Preaching Tip for 20 January 2019

As a preacher you are a facilitator, a conduit. You are not the main attraction! Sometimes, preaching might seem as if it were the “mainstay” of the service, that the message, or even more so “you” need to live up to a certain level of excellence. But the only...

Pastor’s Prayer for 20 January 2019

Lord, our God, you know who we are: People with good and bad consciences; satisfied and dissatisfied, sure and unsure people; Christians out of conviction and Christians out of habit; believers, half-believers, and unbelievers…But now we all stand before you: in all...