Blessed are you, God of compassion and mercy,to you be praise and glory forever.In the darkness of our sin,your light breaks forth like the dawnand your healing springs up for deliverance.As we rejoice in the gift of your saving help,sustain us with your bountiful...
Practice makes perfect … you may have heard this phrase, especially if you took music lessons when you were young. There’s only one problem with this phrase: there’s no such thing as perfect. Perfect is not the goal of practice because perfect is not possible....
Kiss Don’t Hiss Lectionary 11 March 2018 4th Sunday in Lent Numbers 21:4-9 Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22 Ephesians 2:1-10 John 3:14-21 Text to Life In 1995 Nicholas Evans published a novel entitled “The Horse Whisperer.” Three years later the story was made into a movie...
Gaming addiction classified as disorder by WHO Summary: Gaming addiction is to be listed as a mental health condition for the first time by the World Health Organization. Its 11th International Classification of Diseases (ICD) will include the condition “gaming...
Sweet Vine Story Lectionary 11 March 2018 The Fourth Week of Jesus’ Lenten Journey God’s Creation of Humankind and the Command to Bear Fruit (Genesis 1) Psalm 1: Blessed is He Who Yields Fruit in Season Psalm 128: The Lord’s Blessing You are the Fruit of Your...