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Hearing Problems

A person of advanced age began to have hearing problems. Reluctantly she gave in to suggestions from family members that she consult an otolaryngologist (eye-ears-nose specialist). After a thorough examination of the woman’s ears, the doctor said to her: “We can fix...


British Presbyterian theologian John Oman  (1860-1939) liked to tell the story of the old Scottish professor who used to say that there were three qualities for the preacher. First, the grace of God. Second, the knowledge of the Scriptures. And third, gumption. The...


The angels grew jealous of God’s intention to endow Adam and Eve with God’s own image. Should mere mortals be so gifted? They plotted to hide the divine image. Some angels proposed that it be hidden beneath the seas, others that it be buried in the tallest mountains....

Luther’s Morning Prayer

Luther’s Morning Prayer I thank you, my heavenly father, through Jesus Christ, your dear Son, that you have kept me this night from all harm and danger. Keep me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings and life may please you. Into your hands I...
Syrophoenician Lives Matter!

Syrophoenician Lives Matter!

God’s Bountiful Breadbasket of Grace / Syrophoenician Lives Matter! Story Lectionary 25 October 2015 The Story of Tamar (Genesis 38) –Loyalty is not as it may appear A Raining Down of Manna (Exodus 16 and Numbers 11) Elijah’s Healing/Raising of a Phoenician woman’s...