In the Old Testament book of Numbers, the LORD gave words to Moses to pass on to Aaron and his sons that we now know as the “Priestly Blessing” (Number 6:24-26). Aaron’s sons were instructed to use these words to bless the people of Israel so that they would be...
Music can be an integral part of your sermon. Sometimes an experience of Christ and a right theology can be internalized and embodied many times more than hearing it in words. It’s important to make sure that when you use music as a part of your sermon that it...
A tour guide in an Australian art museum always ends her tour with a certain piece of art. She says to the group, “And here, ladies and gentlemen, we conclude our tour with one of the finest pieces of sculpture in the entire museum. Notice the nobility of the...
During the Gulf War, a group of British soldiers became lost in the desert. Looking weary and bedraggled, they eventually stumbled into an 5-Star general. “Do you know where we are?” one of the bleary eyed soldiers blurted out. The general, annoyed because of the...
A real estate agent was showing a number of homes to a young couple with a toddler. They toured several houses, examining the features of each in great detail. They opened every door, went into every room, explored every closet, looked into every cabinet. Through it...