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My Rightful Place

In the museum of modern art (MoMA) in New York City, an elderly man sat before a painting by one of the greatest of modern artists. The man was obviously highly elated. Over and over he kept saying, “At last, I’m in my rightful place. I’m in my rightful place.…...

Winter of Our Discontent

The central character in John Steinbeck’s novel “The Winter of Our Discontent” is a grocery clerk whose life is filled with discontent. He’s not happy with himself. He’s not happy with others. He’s not happy with life in general. One day, as he is routinely checking...

Out of Order

There is the story of a man who was worried so much he was on the verge of a nervous breakdown that he decided to see a psychiatrist. “What’s you problem?” the psychiatrist asked. “Actually, I’ve got two problems,” the man replied. “My first problem is that I don’t...

The Gospel is Written on Your Fingers

Some people think, it seems, that when Judgment Day calls us to accountability we’ll be “judged” by what we say and how we say it. “Inasmuch as you did,” not said, as our life will speak for itself. Or in the words of Mother Teresa, “The gospel is written on…...


This could be offered as a prayer, as you invite people to bow their heads and listen as God is speaking these words to them directly. It is also a powerful way of ending a sermon. I challenge you to hear these words yourself without tears welling up inside...